Baby Update: 15 weeks

May 14, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

This week has flown by! Sometimes I think 40 weeks is forever away and will never get here and feel like we have all the time in the world. Other times I realize how fast the past 15 have gone and flip out a little bit. 

image by Leah Ashworth

Baby's news:

Weeks: 15

Size: a pear (or avocado, but since those sound disgusting right now we went with pear.)

Happening this week: Baby's facial muscles have developed enough for it to start practicing making faces! Fingers can move independently of each other, and Baby can grab its feet with its hands. Its skin is still transparent, and this week Baby's head is smaller than the rest of the body.


Leah's news:

Feeling: Still slowly improving! Sometimes I feel like it's taking forever to get through the morning sickness stage, but if I compare how I'm feeling now to how badly I was feeling even a couple of weeks ago the improvement is huge! So there's hope for feeling well again. :) I actually feel the best outside, so I've been hanging out a lot on the porch.

Food: is starting to be a good idea again! This week the things that were essential were chili cheese hot dogs, mac 'n cheese, Pad Thai, and a turkey BBQ stuffed baked potato. Also a watermelon lime drink that Aaron made (four or five times this week I think?) that is amazingly delicious!

Nasty foods: I made a deer roast earlier this week. After smelling it for three hours I couldn't stand the thought of eating it, which was sad because Aaron said it tasted really good. Most meat still doesn't sound good, especially if I have to be involved in the cooking process. 

Will you have a birth photographer? Not planning to. I've photographed numerous births and absolutely LOVED the ones I've attended. There are definitely moments that I would want documented, so I'll have my camera out/available. But at this point I'm also thinking that I only want a minimal number of people around. However all this could change. 

Books: My favorite one currently is Pregnancy Day by Day. I love having daily blips to read, it goes through the entire 40 weeks, and there are tons of pictures. I'm absolutely open to books suggestions if there are any fabulous ones? 

image by Leah Ashworth

Anything else? Schatzi is being SUPER protective of me. Not sure if she knows or if she just knows something is different? It's sweet, but sometimes annoying if I'm trying to do something and she's right on top of me. But whenever I get annoyed with her she smiles like she's done absolutely nothing wrong (see below)

image by Leah Ashworth

That's all for now! Happy Saturday!


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